Pediatric Therapy

Build A Bike
This program is designed as a team building project to give back to the community and change a child's life!
Get your team together to find the lifechanging funds for the adaptive bike.
The average cost of a bike is $5000. Despite the many medical benefits, bikes are not covered by insurance making it difficult for most families to obtain.
Wellspring is a non profit and all donations are tax deductible.
The bike will be ordered and delivered to your company. All bikes include a custom name plate with your companies logo on it. Once the bike is delivered, it's time to build! A team of your employees will come together to put the bike together with the modifications of each child's needs. Instructions will be given from the Freedom Concepts via video conference or video instruction.
It's presentation time! The child will be presented the bike from the company's generous donation. This is a great PR moment to invite media to help show your community how much you care. Wellspring will help to coordinate a day that works for the compant and the family.
See the Impact
Keep up with your child and their family to see how the bike has changed their life!